

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Reading the Twilight Series

At 12:12 a.m. this morning I accomplished what most of you finished six months ago --Breaking Dawn. I had planned to start it during the Thanksgiving holidays but couldn't find the time, knowing I would need at least 4 evenings. So I put it off until Christmas, but again I found no time as I was engaged in family and friends. With resolve, I opened it up New Year's day and drowned in it's magic every night before falling off to sleep.

Funny though, at 12:13 am, I wasn't tired. I shed a tear for the touching love Bella finally was able to share with her eternal mate. I was busy thinking about what it is going to be like when I have my flawless, graceful, indisputably beautiful body. I savored the idea that I, too, was going live forever with my eternal mate. I thought about the human Bella and it intrigued me that she didn't fully realize what an amazing soul she was until after her transformation. I wondered what talents I came to earth with that I am so unaware of. Would it be possible that I could develop some of these gifts here on earth, metaphorically extending my shield and learning to developing it, or will I just have to wait until I'm resurrected to realize what an amazing soul I am?

Thursday, January 1, 2009