

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Remembering 2011

It is going to be hard to catch up with a whole year of events for our family, especially since this was the year that we had many big events to remember - Molly's Wedding, as well as two of the cousins, Erika and Brock.  And then Ben and Cassidy's expectance of a baby!

Here are just a few photos from the year to remind me of some of the smaller things that were happening in our lives.

 Hannah and Mom got to go camping with our favorite neighbors up to Smith and Morehouse. A summer would just not be the same if we couldn't camp with the gang.

 We lost our big willow tree in the backyard this year.  Luckly the fall did not damage our house or the neighbor's.  But it was a huge mess to clear out.  I am ever grateful to all my friends who pitched in and hauled it away.

 One of my favorite times always is taking pictures on the first day of school.  Here is Lizzy above ready for her first year of High School and Chris below celebrating his last year!
 Hannah is just taking the big step into Junior High.  She seems pretty confident for the first day.
 One of the successes of the year for Hannah was learning to play the violin.  Here she is at her fall concert.  She did an excellant job of performing. She is very talented when it comes to music.

One of the successes of the year for Chris was he was always going to another dance.
And the year ended with the whole family being together for Christmas.  Here we are in our traditional family shot at the top of the banister.  I sure love this big bunch of wonderful people!  

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